Saturday, March 28, 2009

Teaching my kids not to share

Did I mention I'm a germaphobe? Not a card-carrying member, but a basic motherly "ew, yuck!" kind. My home is by no means sanitized. I've had some sick kids lately. Just colds, nothing too serious. I wish I was the kind of mom who holds and cuddles her sick kids. No, that kind of mom is far superior to me in her nursing skills. I'm more the contain and sedate kind. "Here, lay on this couch, use only this blanket (to be disinfected later), watch this movie and please don't breate in the general direction of your sister." My poor kids. I snuggle them plenty when they are well, just not when they're crusty with snot, if I can help it! Sometimes Lysol is my best friend.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I love this and have to admit, I'm that kind of mum to sick ones also. Mostly I don't want my sleep interrupted.