Tuesday, July 26, 2011

what we've been up to

Warning- picture overload. Some of the general stuff we've been up to this Summer.

We have a 16 year old! Learner's permit only for now. I'm not ready!!

G-ma Carpenter made a "cake wreck" for him. LOVE!!  
(What am I talking about? Only one of J's and my favorite websites. Click here for a peek-see.)

...and he was ordained to the office of Priest in our ward.
So glad both sets of grandparents could be there!

Water fight for his birthday. We ambushed him.

Hiked to Timpanogos Cave.

Watching G-pa dance to Dance Central. Enjoyed that immensely.

L. made me beautiful.

Got creative for the 4th. Yum!!

Love having girls I can do this to!!

Ah, yes. The 1/2 marathon. This is me sweating to death with about 2 miles left to go.

Did it! 13.1 miles and ran the whole way. That was the goal. Time? 2 hours 14 minutes.  Not bad for a first try at a very old age. Not sure if I'll do another one, though I'll definitely keep running.  Maybe this fall.

L. keeps me laughing. She was trying to wash her hair in the sink. Not sure why or what she had in it to begin with. She's never seen anyone else do that. Just some hand soap and water everywhere. So funny!

...and here we have her artwork. The picture doesn't do it justice. Floor to nearly ceiling (she got herself a stool). Just when I was going to get a bit mad, she whispered "I just wanted to be like Rapunzel." Oh, man. How do you punish that? Didn't. Just explained we don't do that in our house.

Waiting for the Draper parade.

And watching some very scary renditions of
Cookie Monster and Elmo.
Those two will be giving out some nice nightmares.

M. is such a great big sister!

Finally, boating over the 24th weekend with my family.

The classic in front of the world map at the MTC. Moms and Pops left yesterday to drive to DC. My little missionaries. Sniff. They'll be awesome!

Love and hugs!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

fun summer pictures! Love the cake wreck!