Once in a lifetime trip for our family. So grateful to be able to go!
I posted some different pics on facebook.
We went at the right time! Just after the pageants, we had most of the sites all to ourselves! It was so nice to be able to take our time and soak it all in without crowds.
Checking out the Smith family farm house near Palmyra, NY.
Grandin Building where they printed the first Book of Mormon.
Cumorah. Beautiful!
At Niagara Falls with my sweetie.
Whitmer Farm where the church was organized.
Such a special spirit there.
A. sad about the tiny air / light window at Liberty Jail.
L. enjoying the shade at Adam-Ondi-Ahman.
This sunset greeted us just as we drove into Nauvoo.
We felt so welcome!
Sacred space.
At the end of the Trail of Tears in Nauvoo by the
Mississippi River.
I call this "face to face." Just love it.
Love how history becomes real.
A. and I reenacting the classic statue. Pretty close, eh?
The kids loved the horses!
We got pulled around Nauvoo three different times.

Peek-a-boo in Joseph's Red Brick Store.
So, Grandpa Parley P. Pratt and Grandpa Erastus F. Snow
were partners in a store in Nauvoo. Huh. Whoduthunkit.
This building, which is just North of the temple, is now a
Catholic Rectory.
Loved all the senior missionaries everywhere. I can totally
see my folks and Spence's folks doing a mission like this
and hamming it up at plays each night. So cute!
They loved it!!
Pioneer games. A. loved this one so much he bought one and brought it home.
Embroidery map of England :)
LOTS of great demos.
Such an amazing experience. So, so grateful we could do this.
The years of planning and saving and hoping all paid off.
I am so grateful.
On the temple lot in Independence, MO. Sacred space!
Again and again at the different sites we went to we knew we were on sacred ground.
It's hard to NOT feel the Spirit in these places.
As soon as the kids are all in school next week I will be
compiling a picture book about the whole experience.
Speaking of school, this is a banner year for us.
One in Kindergarten, one in elementary school,
one in middle school, one in high school and one in college.
And life goes on!