Just a few random things. The kids are all out of school for the summer. While I enjoy having them home, it also makes things rather, uh, chaotic in our house. To make the summer a bit more healthy, we've instituted some requirements for each day. Before games or friends or computers, the kids need to do the following...something helpful, something active, something social and something spiritual. So far it's going pretty well.
My oldest turns 16 next week. Gasp! Driving...dating...working...ah, the possibilities! Proud of him. He's becoming a wonderful young man. He's getting ordained to be a Priest in our church next Sunday. Woot!
Second born in the wilderness just had a candy/drink booth at our town fair recently. Made some nice moolah, along with the bucks he earned for straight "A"s. Let him know if you need a loan.
Middle child will be starting at our new charter Jr. High in the fall. That came out of nowhere. She was supposed to have one more year in the elementary, but they moved 6th to the new school. Should be interesting.
Fourth born just graduated from his beloved preschool and is excited for kindergarten. He hiked to Timpanogos cave with us last Friday and was such a trooper!! What a great kid.
Last but not quietest (aka Rapunzel) needs a haircut. I've been dreading cutting it because she still has some baby curls hanging on at the bottom and it's so pretty. I dunno. I'll get around to it someday. Maybe we'll donate it to locks of love.
Spence just started a new job last week. He's working for the "Big Guy" now. Most gloriously, his new commute to the church's Riverton campus is exactly 4 miles from our home. Huzzah!!
Me? I can't seem to get enough sleep. Nothing new. Just yawn-some. Spoke in church yesterday. Running a lot. Wedding pics to edit. Primary to reorganize. Housework to do. Places to go. Mountains to move. Just found out that Matt, from youtube's "Where the hell is Matt?" is coming to dance in the Great Salt Lake this Friday. I am so there. Hopefully you'll get to see us in his next video due out this fall.
Hugs and kisses!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Yes, I want to see you dance with Matt. :) Bring your gang over for a lazy summer day, it would be fun to chat.
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