Tuesday, February 15, 2011

for a good time, call...

...my friend Nancy Hanson Wood. She is an amazing singer/songwriter who taught me guitar for about a year and a half (until I had to quit a few months ago, ugh. I'll be back!). She also has...a split personality?

LOVE the ladies. They've been spotted around town before, and I'm a huge fan, so my beloved Spence told them it was my birthday. Thanks, girls!!

Hope you enjoyed. Meanwhile, here are some short clips of Nancy doing what she does best (besides making me laugh!):

(Sorry!!  I know the audio is off on the middle two vids, but you get the idea!)


Jenny said...

Loved it! Hope forty isn't too scary! I'm getting close to that number too!

Becky B. said...

Holly cow, you must be very special to get, not just one video, but three from our favorite guitar gal.