Wednesday, October 20, 2010

completely random and usually useless

I'm going to waste your time for a couple of seconds to tell you something I learned yesterday. We've had the fruit fly blues in our kitchen for 2 days now, and a little bit of research came up with a nifty solution. Put a piece of cut up fruit on an oven safe dish in the oven and leave the door open for a while or overnight. When they've all congregated for a party, simply close the door and turn it on. When the oven reaches the appropriate temperature and beeps, your flies are done. Works like a charm. There. Don't you feel smarter now? I did!


Spencer said...

ding Flies are done, ding flies are done

The Grant Family said...


Sarah said...

Good tip! Does it work for regular flies too? We have had a few of those driving us crazy lately!

Natalie said...

great timing, I will be doing this tonight, Thanks :)