I enjoy going running several times a week. I NEVER thought I would ever say or think that. It started out slow, brief and random, but over a little time, I really started to enjoy and even crave it (again, never thought... I used to hear people describe this and just did not understand). And, I'm lucky enough to have several wonderful women in my neighborhood who like to run too, so I usually have company. And tunes. Spence bought me an awesome, tiny iPod for running at a garage sale. Sweet! As my distance started increasing, I started really wanting to run the Halloween Half Marathon down in Provo. Canyon in the Fall, lots of time to train, and you get to wear costumes...bingo! However, when one begins running at nearly age 40, the body doesn't take to it too kindly. So, the furthest distance I got to before realizing my knees just weren't up to it was 8 miles. At that point, I understood that I could do some real damage, and decided I'd rather be able to keep running than injure myself. I'm very hopeful that with time my knees will strengthen more and I will be able to try again in the future. Right now I stick with 4-5 miles. Love it. Strange but true.
So, what does this have to do with pepper spray? A couple of months ago I was out on a morning run and got bit by a small dog. For such a little thing, he sure had some attitude! After that, I decided I should carry something with me in case an animal (creature or human) came after me. I bought a small can of pepper spray that has a strap for your hand so you don't have to hold it but it's ready for use immediately. It has a little safety lever to keep it from spraying accidentally, but can be quickly moved to allow use. Well, I took it when I went running last night. (Incidentally, I did hear running behind me at one point, and when I turned around to see what was up, two deer were running down the street.) Part way through my run, somehow the safety became dislodged and a tiny bit of spray came out and hit my fingers. It was only a tiny bit, and I didn't feel anything, so I continued my run. Toward the end, as I was walking home, I felt some tingling. By the time I got in the shower and was trying to wash it off, I felt burning on both hands, my nose and both eyes. Luckily my eyes, nose, and left hand went back to normal within a few minutes, but I ended up with burns on my right hand. Had a dickens of a time trying to sleep. Ibuprofen, ice and a baking soda paste all worked together to allow me at least a little sleep. Lucky me, I got to carry a ziplock bag full of ice around at church today. Amazing. I wondered if the stuff in that little vial would really work. Now I know.
4 years ago
That's kinda funny!! Glad you're safe, and thanks for the product check!
Great that you are running! May there be no more pepper spray incidents!
Never knew you did that! I love that you are running and feeling the love for it too!
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