Sunday, May 30, 2010


Driving through Cedar City on our way home right now. We took a quick trip to Disneyland. I'll probably tell you a few more stories from the trip and post a few pics later, but one quick story:
We were all sitting around the motel pool when a group of vacationing high schoolers came for a swim. I hadn't changed for the pool, and was sitting at a table, reading a book when a cute 17ish year old young man started reading right over my left shoulder, nearly cheek to cheek. He said, "what ya reading? Looks interesting." I didn't respond, figuring he was just goofing off for his friends. Then he draped himself across my back to look over my right shoulder to see what I was reading. At that point I shrugged my shoulder and said "excuse me..." He stood up, saw I wasn't his 17 year old girlfriend, and got all flustered. It was hilarious! Spence was watching the whole time with this amused look on his face. I and everyone else busted up laughing at this poor kid. One of his friends said I should take it as a compliment. I saw her later. She has similar hair and a similar build. So funny. I've been kicking myself ever since that I didn't play it up better. Should've said something like, "thanks for the interest, but you're really not my type." Or, "so, you're in to older women, eh?" Just not quick enough on my feet this time. Made for a great laugh though!


the Brakey's said...

It is a compliment! You're a HOTTIE!

Charlotte said...

You still got it! That is awesome.

Colin said...

classic. my favorite is that Spence got to watch the whole thing. who knows if he would have believed you otherwise.

Jenny said...

Funny! Glad you had a chance for a vacation!

The Palmers said...

That's Awesome!