Here is our latest family project (along with all kinds of other stuff going on concurrently, of course and always)...
We made five fleece blankets to earn our free day at Disneyland. The blankets go to Project Linus, a group that distributes them to children who are homeless or experiencing other trauma. Our kids were great! They worked hard and fast to make it happen. When we were done, we made "hugs" by tracing and cutting out our hands and attaching them to strips of paper with a note to the recipient, then wrapping them around the rolled blankets. A nice FHE lesson on serving others, and viola! Shouldn't have told the 3 year old we were going to "Dizzylamb," 'cause we ain't goin' 'till July, and that's all we hear about now. He made a miniture Disneyland with his giant lego blocks today. Hoooo boy! Gonna be a long six months!!
4 years ago
Those are so cute! That's a great idea to make the paper "hug". I have only talked about Disneyland to James, but our 3 year old must have heard and he also is asking about it!
That is cool! I love the "Dizzylamb"! :)
Love the paper hug idea! Way to go!
So glad you are doing this! I ordered my fabric and we will be doing them in the next couple of weeks. Not sure when we are going though. You'll be able to give me lots of tips.
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