Monday, September 28, 2009

I don't think we'll get any tickets for speeding...

Last night we took a nice walk around the neighborhood with the kids. Had to test out the radar speed limit sign. J clocked 11 mph on his scooter, M clocked 9 on hers. My hubby hit the record 13 mph running by, and I topped out at 12 mph. Maybe we should make some fitness goals... 15mph by the New Year?


Becky B. said...

I had one of those along my jogging rout for awhile and often I would sprint and try to best my highest speed. I'd usually clock around 11mph.

the Brakey's said...

where is it? now I have to try it too, and since we are so competitive, the whole fam will have to out do the other!!!! Cute post!

Kristen and Co. said...

This one is on the street just above us, over by the open space/ravine thing. Knock yourselves out!