Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Hatch a Match

My beautiful sister, Jenn, was married recently to a wonderful young man. On Maui :D
I'll post more pictures soon. Meanwhile, this is the tribute I wrote for them a few months ago and read at their wedding dinner. It's a wee bit Seuss-style. Hope you like it!

by Kristen Flandro

Here we see Jenn. Jenn likes men. But a man for Jenn was not found then.
High and low she could not see a man for her that was meant to be.
But, lucky for Jenn, she had a lovely sister who wanted for Jenn to find a mister.
A man for Jenn to love her and woo her, to win her and wed her and un-single-do her.
So, this sister, Kristen, had married a boy (a wonderful boy who had brought her much joy)
Who also loved Jenn and wanted to try to locate a first-rate and handsome good guy.
And Spence had a marvelous dashing young brother, a prince among men, a Nate like no other.
This fabulous Flandro was really a winner and lucky for him, he had taken to dinner
The beautiful Tay many years ago, and from that time on they saw their love grow
From courtship to marriage to a family of five with a loving home in which they did thrive.
Well, Tay had an idea that blossomed one day. Wasn’t sure it would work, but thought that it may…
She had a sweet sister, Layna by name, who knew of a man who had not a dame.
See, Layna was married to David McKay (a lovable lad) and Tay thought… “Hey!
Dave has a brother, a great guy named Iain who has no sweetheart. In fact, he was bein’
A little bit lonely the last that I saw him. I wonder if Jenn would be willing to meet him?”
Tay’s thoughts started flying, her plan started hatching. It was a great day to begin people-matching!
So Kristen and Tay put their heads together, crossed fingers and hoped to bring sunny weather
To Jenn and to Iain who needed to find each other to love…through a date that was blind.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe
That hope always lives and joy can be found when boy meets girl and a circle is wound.
A ring is made, a loop is sewn when Jenn today becomes her own
Sister’s husbands’ brother’s wife’s sister’s husband’s brother’s wife!
What a great way to start a new life! And, Iain, this isn’t just for your new wife…
Today you formed a brand new link…to you! When you look in the mirror and see:
Your brother’s wife’s sister’s husband’s brother’s wife’s sister’s husband!
So as you begin this new chapter in life and take your first steps as husband and wife,
Remember your loved ones, both family and friends and know that our love for you is without end.
Just like a circle of flowers in sand and just like the rings that now grace both your hands,
Our love is a cycle unending and true. So, ALOHA IN MAUI! From all of us to you.

We all made it to Maui! We love you, Jenn and Iain! Mazel Tov!


Joyce said...

I love the poem. I still don't get the connection though but that is probably because it just sounds to confusing and I haven't really even tried to follow it. I do need to see more pictures please... I am so happy for Jenn.

Tycksen Family said...

You are very creative...and I am with need to spell out the connection in simple terms. :)
YOu are so TALENTED....what a great trip. POST MORE PICS!!! And I miss you too!

Joy & Casey said...

Awesome! I don't get the connection either but it's all good-somebody knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody-that's all that matters, right? Great poet skills!

The Palmers said...

That poem rocked!